Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dejota's 2019 Draft Grades

Grade: C+
Best Pick: 3B Jay Gilbertson (2nd, 40th overall)

-Expected more picks and quality from a team rebuilding
-Good Value for Gilbertson and Gilbertson but nothing better than what he has
-Trading picks for players was premature

Grade: B+
Best Pick: RF Ross Elless (1st Round, 5th overall)

-Escandell is nice, especially when stretched out as Atlanta plans to do.
-Needs to learn to use more than his fastball but at 17 could be the best pitcher in the draft
-Elless was my 2nd best player in the draft, looks great
-Similar to ARZ I would've liked to see more picks, but he def. made the two he drafted Count

Grade: A
Best Pick: RF Frank Malkin (6th Round, 157th overall)

-Malkin only dropped b/c of his peak, has excellent vitals especially his advanced eye
-Draft full of RFers and with 3 first rounders he did well to get him in the 6th
-All 5 picks project at least one or two major league tools, a rarity.

Grade: B-
Best Pick: RP Richie Wendling (4th Round, 91st overall)

-Richie was great value for that part of the draft but like many pitchers, health concerns.
-More quantity than quality but 15 picks not neccissarily bad
-Kinoshita was also a steal but will need to find some upside to be truly valuable
-4 picks in top 75, next 11 were 91st-168th. In many ways draft went as expected
-Potentially drafted too many 20 year olds with 50s overall, always a red flag for me

Grade: C
Best Pick: SP Ben Catlin (1st Round, 29th overall)

-Traded away round 2&3 to HOU for Lyddy
-Nothing stands out as great, but nothing looks like guaranteed busts either

Grade: B+
Best Pick: SP Jacob Berge (3rd Round, 72nd overall)

-Every round but the 5th looks very projectable, Hobbs/Furse and potentially even Berge have star potential despite peaks
-Hobbs could be the best pitcher in this year's draft
-Domingue strikes me as the odd man out and really stains an otherwise excellent draft

Grade: A-
Best Pick: CF Greg Vokes (3rd Round, 70th overall)

-A few players with injury concerns
-Started Reaching with Walt Alexander and on, but most reaches were decent
-Travis Clanton was Cin-Cin's Domingue and seems out of place compared to the rest of the quality picks
-Gets A- since he moved out of his first round but still found first round value in Leon Manarez and nailed his 3 3rd rounders

Grade: B
Best Pick: RF Adam Fitzgeral (4th Round, 111th overall)

-Adam been nothing but successful and can mash Righties
-Plenty of value considering the depth of RF
-5 of 6 players rely on power

Grade: F
Best Pick: NONE

-Didn't draft anyone
-Team in limbo?? (?? = maybe)

Grade: B
Best Pick: LF Ervin Coggeshell (1st Round, 8th overall)

-Too many injury concerns
-Stang needed to hit a HR, bad draft for hitting HRs
-Drafted 2 Rfers, 2 2B and 2 3B. 3B late, deep position
-Not productive in later rounds (wasn't present either)

Grade: C+
Best Pick: SP Lee Dougherty (1st Round, 25th overall)

-Rounds 4-6 practically a waste
-Only Dougherty and Winkly have overalls/vitals appropriate for their age
-Fell asleep, cold water didn't wake up

Grade: B-
Best Pick: SP James Fractenberg (2nd Round, 59th overall)

-Best catcher - 3B Stephen Richardson
-Didn't come away with talent I was hoping
-Didn't do enough with 14 picks
-Missed on all targets at the top of the board

Grade: C-
Best Pick: 1B Greg Peterson (1st Round, 14th overall)

-Needed to restock those minors and only came away with two prospects
-Both have question marks
-Prediction: Peterson's best FCM Headline: Main cog in a deal for a veteran

Grade: C+
Best Pick: 1B Felipe Valeutin (1st Round, 16th overall)

-Of the 3 picks, none stand out as great
-Felipe is likely DH material
-Picart and Dollar are alright but might not be able to fulfil their upside before peaking

Grade: C
Best Pick: SP Holinger Hussinger (1st Round, 6th overall)

-There were better picks, and pitchers available at 6, including Hobbs
-Both are injuries waiting to happen but at at least they could develop into major league talent

Grade: B-
Best Pick: 1B Arturo Absalo (1st Round, 1st overall)

-Arturo was the best talent in the draft but with Gagnon, Roundwaithe, Reale and Searle I don't know where he plays
-Don't think trading out of 3-6 was ideal for his current situation
-Connelly should've gone higher in this draft considering the pitching availability

Grade: A-
Best Pick: 2B Jose Chinechillas (2nd Round, 44th overall)

-Solid draft top to bottom
-Wonham looks to have a lot more upside than his 79 and his history says his contact is better than 62
-Lushington was underrated in a draft with literally no SS, like any SS with power hard not to think about A-Rod but with above average D
-A couple healthy concerns is the major knock on his draft

Grade: C+
Best Pick: 2B Marcellus Leon (4th Round, 109th overall)

-Not high on Magdalena, but draft was thin at SP
-Albin is decent but going by value and draft depth, not great and will struggle against righties
-Leon looks like a legit 2B prospect, he's only 16 and could develop Contact, Power and Eye. Rare.

Grade: A-
Best Pick: LF Steve Perkins (1st Round, 26th overall)

-Perkins was a steal that late and could represent the best power hitter in the draft if Arturo is a bust
-Alex Wilson was a nice pickup in a draft without SS
-Madelan was his worst pick and that's a compliment, great value late in the 3rd
-Even Staudmuar and Smith look good, didn't like this draft nearly as much last night

Grade: B-
Best Pick: SP Guy Callahan (1st Round, 4th overall)

-Callahan looks really good, if it wasn't for low GB% and health concerns he would've gone higher
-Did better in top and bottom rounds, didn't like his middle round picks as much
-Thurmond is one of the lesser RFers in the draft I think

Grade: F
Best Pick: RF Juan Cabiva (6th Round, 159th overall)

-Like KC, should've drafted. Needs picks but is making a push
-Valetin looks like a bust, crappy GB%, injury concerns along with being a power pitcher and his fastball is his worst pitch
-Cabiva doesn't look awful but doesn't have much upside

Grade: A-
Best Pick: 3B Peter Potter (1st Round, 17th overall)

-Reached too much on a few guys
-Potter is the shit
-Didn't get one 80s peak 77 on with 4 picks in the next 30
-Complaints based more in principal than talent, mostly hollow criticism

Grade: C
Best Pick: Kurt Labriola (5th Round, 125th overall)

-Walker, Bosworth and Tuchez are high risk, medium reward types
-Filbee looks good but destined to DH
-Even the best pick could peak out too early to make the MLB

Grade: C+
Best Pick: RP Phillip Sturgeon (1st Round, 9th overall)

-The theme of SF's draft was: Always Better Talent Available
-Exception, Rose, great value pick but looks like a Trap
-Best part of the draft, aside from peak, is plenty of teenagers with talent above their age

Grade: F
Best Pick: RP Darryl Dismuke (4th Round, 117th overall)

-Mackelling isn't great, was drafted above slot and represents no value especially in this draft
-Dismuke looks solid but is a rare 4 year college player and only posted good numbers when he was in his 20s playing against teens
-Brown and Doyle are wasted picks

Grade: B
Best Pick: CF Mitch Warman (3rd Round, 88th overall)

-Iglesias isn't great value, has injury concerns and will need to learn to hit lefties, but he looks solid
-Warman is a great value and will steal quite a few more bases than his 85 speed would indicate
-Warman could also develop a high 80s speed by the time he makes the pros, with his glove he'll be an ideal CFer
-Elacott through Ingalls was excellent so that's holding up his grade

Grade: C
Best Pick: RP Victor Galabiz (4th Round, 110th overall)

-Dito and Ball were value picks but nothing special and far from the cream of the crop
-Diedrichsen isn't that great and he's a little old for his overall

Grade: B-
Best Pick: LF George Grady (1st Round, 3rd overall)

-Went with the surest thing in the draft arguably
-Hurt Texas before in the first
-Nothing special but 4 or 5 really solid choices

Grade: C+
Best Pick: RP Effrain Luquis (2nd Round, 37th overall)

-Graded on a curve
-4 of his first 6 picks are injury risks
-Jon Vickers looks decent but if he starts more than 140 games in a season twice in his career I'd be surprised
-Even Luqis should be a starter, is a lefty and has health concerns

Grade: B-
Best Pick: RP Sean Westcott (4th Round, 98th overall)

-Nothing to see here
-Traded away most picks
-Both picks do like decent

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