Monday, July 25, 2011

My Take on the AL Central GM's

Mike/Royals -

By far the biggest douche bag in the entire FCM. Mike loves pushing DJ’s buttons and finding loopholes to get an advantage. Mike’s teams were pretty strong when he first started but has now run KC right into ground. When dealing with mike he loves to insulate you with lowball offers and only trades away his junky players. My relationship with Mike F+ (also the only gay GM in FCM )


BurnedStang is ok to deal with. He does value his older players high but all and all knows fair value. He seems to always have a bunch of good specs in his system, so i always have to keep a close eye on him. He is the only GM i have every seen blow apart a team when he was in 1st place before the trade deadline. As a person Stang seems like a good guy. My relationship with BurnedStang C+


Me and Chris have never made a trade i dont think. Chris Values his own talent way too high but it seems to work for him because his team's always compete year in year out. I think he could put his team over the top with a few trades but i rarely see him make deals. When Chris does make a trade it normally is a monster for him. He too always has a Strong farm like Stang. Chris is good to always hear out my offers and get back too me. My relationship with Chris C-

JHC/White Sox

JHC is the biggest cheater in FCM lol. I know for a fact he gives his players PED's. JHC is a pretty good guy and is very humble when it comes to his team. I Chat more with JHC then any other GM in FCM (except maybe Mike) JHC now looks like a genius for trading Lomax after he took alot of heat for it. I never really talk to much trade with JHC but enjoyey to hear his opinion on things around the leauge. My relationship with JHC A-

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