Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dejota's Top 25 Prospects

Baseball America recently released it's top 20 prospects of FCM entering the 2015 season. As with any lists trying to address the "best" anything it came with much controversy. I'm going to go through and select who I think are the top prospects in FCM and we'll see how they stack up. Without further to-do here is Dejota's Top 25 FCM Prospects:

1) CF Rafael Rodriguez - 21 yrs. old - NYM - ETA 2015

Rafael has 5 tools in his bag and pairs them up nicely with some very nice minor league stats. With more talent and upside than anyone else on this list he's easily FCM's Top Prospect. It's not a matter of when he'll be on the Mets, it's a matter of who does he displace (Martinez, Ellsbury or Frenchy)

2) 2B Dan Vick - 23 yrs. old - PIT - ETA 2015

It was very difficult to include him on the list since he's been PIT's starter since September and is anointed as starting 2B already. However, he only has 152 ABs and they were every bit as impressive as expected. His eye and contact are already incredible and he has just enough pop, glove and upside to slip into our #2 spot.

3) 3B Ed Edwards - 22 yrs. old - TBR - ETA 2015

Like the #2 prospect Dan Vick, he received regular time at his position in September. His extended audition fell well short of his AAA numbers and his glove may relegate him to DH duty before long. That said, his contact, power and eye should land him in the middle of the order if not the #2 spot before too long.

4) SP Eduardo Martinez - 22 yrs. old - STL - ETA 2015

Eduardo gave us a preview of what he was capable of in 2014 and looks to establish himself as a force come next year. He has one of the leagues best fastballs and some killer movement to go along with it. If he continues to develop his control along with his power/movement he should easily become the best pitcher on this list.

5) LF Ramon Castillo - 23 yrs. old - NYY - ETA 2015

Ramon hit over 42 HRs combined (AAA/MLB) last season and has hit around 300 at every stop since rookie ball. As has always been the case with Ramon, health is the key. If he can find a way to stay on the field he should put up some gaudy numbers in 2015.

6) SP Joe Taylor - 22 yrs. old - LAA - ETA 2016

Another fastball first guy, Joe shows the heat and ability to control it that makes him more of a lock than most. His health and track record aren't promising but the raw talent is there. Additionally he showcases a Fastball/Splitter/Slider and with a power first arm that's a dream 1-2-3 punch.

7) 1B Steve Miller - 20 yrs. old - CIN - ETA 2016

7 is a funny number for Miller. He's 7th on this list and 7 teams passed on him in the 2014 draft. In September he scored 7 runs and was good for 7 RBIs from 17 hits all scattered across 76 ABs. His power and upside are his real assets and along with Frank Prywes are probably the two riskiest prospects in our top 10.

8) 3B Luis Lajud - 21 yrs. old - SEA - ETA 2017

The 2014 1st overall draft pick is #10 on our list. After an incredible high school and college career Lajud finally found adversity at the AA level. He still flashed his power (17HR in only 279 AB) but his BA and OBP. With his glove and stick it's hard to envisioning him being a bust but not even a full year into his professional career questions are already being raised.

9) 1B Steve Tuberville - 20 yrs. old - COL - ETA 2017

The 3rd draftee from the 2014 class to make our top 10, Steve Tubeville has a lot of things going for him. He has incredible vitals differential, defensive upside and solid health. He has a long ways to go but at this point in his career he looks like the complete package less speed.

10) LF Frank Prywes - 19 yrs. old - HOU - ETA 2017

Frank is one of the youngest and furthest off prospects on this list. His vitals/overall differential is amongst the leagues best and he does everything well except for run. He has a lot of work to do but if he develops he could have the contact/power/eye destined for the heart of Houston's already deep lineup.

11) SP Fletcher Conyers - 20 yrs. old - SEA - ETA 2017

Like Martinez, Conyers lives and dies with his fastball. He touches 95 from time to time, but has yet to hone in his control and as a result is likely still a few years out. If he can keep the ball in the park and find even league average control he should be an Ace in before his mid-20s.

12) 2B Matt McArthur - 21 yrs. old - CHC - ETA 2015/2016

Matt ranks so because he's one of the more sure bets on this list. His contact and glove are already major league ready and he has a ton of untaped potential. The reason he didn't score higher is he has 3 big if's: if he stays health, if he can develop some pop and if he can learn to draw more walks. If he can address even two of those three if's he should be a star.

13) SP Gabe Anwyl - 23 yrs. old - FLA - ETA 2016

Gabe took a small step backwards in 2014 but should recover in his second stint at the AAA level. Featuring a GB% above 50%, great control and movement and plenty of upside Mr. Anwyl is expected to add to an already potent rotation in Florida sooner rather than later.

14) RF Quinton McAbee - 24 yrs. old - KCR - ETA 2015

McAbee is exactly what you look for in a RFer if you can't find perfect. He's got a big bat and an even bigger arm. His minor league track record over the past two season's blow some of the other guys out of the water. However he might be 25 years old before he even makes his debut, and some feel he has AAAA written all over him.

15) 3B Nino Raynosa - 23 yrs. old - HOU - ETA 2015

Nino barely made this list after receiving 169 ABs in his rookie campaign. However after the acquisition of Koharu it seems Raynosa will begin the year at AAA. If he can develop a little more contact and glove his power and eye should make him a very good major leaguer. Although it likely won't be in Houston.

16) RF Any Konruff - 23 yrs. old - TBR - ETA 2015

Andy makes this list with incredible contact and defense. His arm will likely have him playing LF before long but when he does he should be a regular in the race for gold glove. His power and eye are overshadowed by his bat control and glove but could still develop into something useful. He's a little old but should contribute for Epic at some point down in Tampa.

17) CF Jorge Vasquez - 19 yrs. old - HOU - ETA 2017

Jorge makes this list mostly due to his September call-up and his speed. He's the fastest player in FCM and plays incredible defense. He's also one of the league's most promising CFers. He should be an impact player but his bat still leaves some scouts wanting more.

18) SP Boris Turner - 20 yrs. old - BAL - ETA 2016

Boris is the hardest thrower on this list and hits 97 MPH from time to time. However recent reviews say he's starting to rely heavily on control. It's hard to say if that's scary in a good way or scary in a bad way, but either way that fastball and this prospect is certainly noteworthy.

19) 3B Kirk MacHaffie - 19 yrs. old - BAL - ETA 2015/2016

Kirk is a contact first player who has flashed power irregularly throughout his (already extensive) minor league career. He still needs to develop his glove and eye if he's going to become the player envisioned when he was drafted 4th overall, but with his bat and upside he should be on a major league club at some point int he near future.

20) 1B Angel Munoy - 22 yrs. old - STL - ETA 2015

Angel has a more developed bat than MacHaffie and a much better glove. Rumors have it that he has some power but it's regular absence from his stat sheet makes him fall this far in the list. His upside is his salvation and if he can find his power stroke, as many expect him to, he'll be a force in STL for years to come.

21) SP Randy Barrett - 20 yrs. old - PHI - ETA 2016

Randy Barrett is yet another flamethrower on this list. He's shown flashes of the control and movement that'll be necessary to succeed at the major league level, but his outings have mostly been hit or miss. As a result he's viewed as a very hit or miss prospect, but it should be interested to check in on him again this time next year.

22) LF Albert Bogho - 22 yrs. old - FLA - ETA 2016/2017

We're starting to get to solid players with glaring flaws. While his power is off the charts and he has incredible patients at the plate his inability to make solid contact and complete lack of competence with his glove are the first thing you notice. He should get a shot as a DH for a team or two but until he learns to make solid contact he'll never be the player his power suggests he could be.

23) RF Craig Toney - 20 yrs. old - CIN - ETA 2016

Craig is another bat with great power but no consistency. On defense he has an incredible arm and solid range but a stone glove. He needs to stay healthy and add a tool to his best if he's going to succeed but with his raw power, both with the arm and bat, he deserves to be ranked.

24) SP Jacob Widdup - 19 yrs. old - CHC - ETA 2017

Widdup throws hard and has a change-up and cutter that can buckle knees, but unless he learns to stop walking players he may be destined for the bullpen. He pitched above his peripherals in 2014 but if he can find some control he should skyrocket up this list for next year.

25) SP Yosvani Garcia - 16 yrs. old - LAD - ETA ???

Garcia joined the ranks of FCM's minor leagues shortly after his 15th birthday. As expected it's been rough sledding to date, however he's doing the one thing almost every pitcher at every level struggles with at some point: keeping the ball in the park. He has great pitches and makes hitters look like fools, but it's not consistent enough to be ranked higher. When or if he develops is impossible to project at this point.

Honorable Metnions (why the missed the list): C Jason Schexnayder (over 200 ABs), C Salvador Perez (over 200 ABs), 3B Tobin Revitz (25 yrs. old), RF Jason Wolverton (25 yrs. old), CF Donovan Tate (over 200 ABs), RP Clay Rosen (over 50IPs - RP), 2B Matsuo Atsushi (IFA, 29 yrs. old), SP Corey Bosworth (16GS - SP), RF Nick Trudeau (over 200 ABs), 2B Todd Lung (25 yrs. old),

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