Saturday, November 13, 2010

Twins set for new era

Minnesota Twins announced on Friday that there search for a new GM was over. William Heaney (Mad_Trapper) will now be in charge of taking the Twinkies back to the promise land. Heaney was with the Cubs organization at the time of his hiring and had this to say. "I would like to thank Sean and the Cubs for getting me started and ready for this opportunity. The Cubs are a first class organization and i wish them the best of luck to win the NL Central." Some issues facing Heaney are the Twins bloated payroll and there weak bullpen. When asked what his first move will be Heaney said " We will be cutting payroll and sadly some fan favorites may be on the move, but thats baseball." Will was also asked what he thinks of battling life long friend and arch Mogul rival Mike Sweet of the Royals. "Should be fun and keep us both competitive in a competitive AL Central." Time will tell how things work out for the Twins but one thing is for sure, they are set for a new era.

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