Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First Class Baseball America: Top 100 Prospects List

We’ve long needed a top prospects list, so here’s my crack at it. I’ve created a formula to look at vitals, age, and rating. Because of off-season and early in-season birthdays I’ve adjusted peak ratings to the following:

Off-Season B-Day: -4 Peak
April B-Day: -3 Peak
May B-Day: -2 Peak
June B-Day: -1 Peak

The reason for the difference in peak drops is because of the amount of time a player will have for further development. Vitals are valued differently per position (i.e. 1B have more weight towards Power while SS have more weight towards Range).

As you’ll notice the highest peak or current overall does not mean the player will be highly ranked. As is with real world prospect rankings both matter in their ranking. Players must also fit within the rookie qualifications (130 At-Bats, 50 Innings Pitched, or 45 Days of Service Time). Again, where the players are ranked is NOT my personal opinion, it’s all to do with the formula I created.

This is going to be released in five installments. Here’s what you will get:

#1: Top 100 to 51 Prospects
#2: Top 50 to 26 Prospects
#3: Top 25 to 11 Prospects (w/ brief commentary)
#4: Top 10 Prospects (w/in-depth commentary)
#5: Top Farm Systems (based on Top 100 Prospects)

Up Next: Top 100 to 51 Prospects...

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