Saturday, March 3, 2012

Peter Likes Peter?

At this year's FCM Winter GM Meetings Pittsburgh GM, Peter, made a startling confession (or so it seems).

For the visually impaired, here's the transcript:

Peter: "Nice, (I) went to the flea market."
Peter: "(I) saw some chick, I hooked up with her boyfriend, there."
Peter: "(I'm) pretty sure it was the same boyfriend she had when it happened."

What can we make of it? Either Peter was at a flea market and saw a girl who he "hooked up" with with her boyfriend or he "hooked up" with the boyfriend at the flea market. Either way, if true, this might makes things hard to swallow for Pirates fans.

We caught up with some GMs around the league, here's what they had to say:

Rockies GM (Matty Nokes): "Whatever Peter does away from the ballpark is his own business. I was really surprised at how excited he was to tell us all at the Winter Meetings. I just wish the girlfriend knew what her boyfriend was doing behind closed doors."

Twins GM (Mad Trapper): "I always felt he (Peter) was in the closet."

Yankees GM (The_BH): "This is news. Peter might have different male intentions than I do, but maybe this means I can use my looks to land a deal in my favor at a later date."

Mariners GM (Hummer): "I wonder if Peter like concert band music to set the mood...mmmm."

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